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Siltronix 1011D Tube

The Siltronix 1011D sidebander. Unique in that it was originally built by Swan as a 10 meter radio (the SWAN 350) - this version added 11 meter receive. Rumor has it they're easily converted for 11 meter transmit as well. At least that's what I hear. This was a real junker when I got it - full rebuild, both electronics and cosmetics. The D104 microphone is a story in itself. This is a rare TUG8 non-amplified stand with both the chicken choker and smiley face PTT controls. It also comes equipped with an original high dynamics ceramic element. Simple three wire connection to the Siltronix via a 1/4" plug. You've got to lean into it a bit, but normal talking will give you 100%+ modulation due to the super sensitive amplfication stage of the radio. Any power mike will distort badly.